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Chemistry for the Protection of the Environment 3
by T. Pawlowski, Marzenna R. Dudzinska, Marjorie A. Gonzales, William J. Lacy, Lucjan Pawlowski, Łucjan Pawłowski, Judith Trowell, Majorie A. Gonzales
Hardcover, 344 Pages, Published 1999 by Springer
ISBN-13: 978-0-306-46026-5, ISBN: 0-306-46026-2

"The 25 years up to 1999 have seen a tremendous growth in the application of statistical and modelling techniques to ecological problems. This expansion has been accelerated by the increasing availability of software, books and computing power. However, the suitability of some of these approaches to data analysis, in a relatively knowledge-poor discipline such as ecology, can be questioned on grounds of appropriateness and robustness. On ..."

All Authors

Łucjan Pawłowski

Lucjan Pawlowski

Majorie Gonzales

Judith Trowell

Marzenna Dudzinska


William Lacy

Marjorie Gonzales