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Warrior priest of the Mahabharata
by Satyagraha Hoerip Soeprobo, Satyagraha Hurip, David Irvine
Paperback, 106 Pages, Published 1990 by Pustaka Sinar Harapan
ISBN-13: 978-979-416-102-9, ISBN: 979-416-102-0

"The dancing shadows of wayang kulit, Java's most popular form of puppet theatre, enact an age-old mythology reflecting traditional society and culture. One such hero is Bisma Dewabrata. Born a royal prince and blessed by the Gods, Bisma was not only an invincible warrior, but also a revered sage and Priest of Truth. Illustrated with original drawings of Javanese leather puppets in the authentic Solo style."

Kumpulan cerita pendek
by Satyagraha Hoerip Soeprobo
235 Pages, Published 1990 by Balai Pustaka
ISBN-13: 978-979-407-279-0, ISBN: 979-407-279-6

"Terutama soal sopan santun, menurut keluarga Longfields kami serupa benar. Itubarangkali sebabnyakami sering terlibat ... "Sebentar lagi you akan menginjak tanah air dan berada kembali ditengah keluarga. Tapi aku?" "Tapi you kan punya  ..."

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Satyagraha Hoerip Soeprobo

David Irvine

Satyagraha Hurip

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